Claire Cousins

I am a Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Fellow in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of St. Andrews. I am interested in volcanic geothermal systems and how volcanism (including cryovolcanism) drives and preserves microbial life within our Solar System. I also work on developing imaging and spectroscopy systems for Mars surface exploration, particularly with the aim to detect geological evidence of past habitability. This year at Goldschmidt I will be found in the geobiology sessions, checking out Goldschmidt Wild Orbit Cinema 2017, and will be tweeting as @ClaireCousins10. Excited to catch up with everyone!

Goldschmidt 2017
Claire Cousins

Goldschmidt Wild Orbit Cinema

Goldschmidt, like all conferences, is about communicating science among like-minded individuals, and connecting with people. The necessity to communicate this science more broadly – to members of the

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