Martin Mangler

I'm a PhD student of volcanology at the Natural History Museum London / Imperial College London. My research is focussed on pre-eruptive processes at Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico. I have a weakness for molten rocks and the smell of sulphur.

Goldschmidt 2017
Martin Mangler

The science behind the science

What do you think - in five days of Goldschmidt presentations, the product of how many years worth of labwork have you seen projected onto the screen, how many months of troubleshooting

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Goldschmidt 2017
Martin Mangler

Is it a thunderstone? Is it a pallasite? No – it is Goldschmidt 2017!

It's official - Goldschmidt 2017 has kicked off! After a convivial, ice-breaking party yesterday night, things got serious this morning, with a myriad of sessions well on their way. At 11:45 then the

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Martin Mangler

Volcano Tales: Shiveluch

At any given day, there are about 20 volcanoes erupting around the globe. Some of them are notorious for frequently showering nearby cities with ash, others wake up and blow without any warning

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Martin Mangler

Volcano tales: Bogoslof

At any given day, there are about 20 volcanoes erupting around the globe. Some of them are notorious for frequently showering nearby cities with ash, others wake up and blow without any warning – but

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