On the Tarmac
I was both delighted but surprised when I was asked to be the EAG Distinguished Lecturer in Eastern Europe. Distinguished is not an adjective that has ever been closely associated with my activities
I was both delighted but surprised when I was asked to be the EAG Distinguished Lecturer in Eastern Europe. Distinguished is not an adjective that has ever been closely associated with my activities
Last week, a group of us from the Cohen Research Group, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, went to see a new movie. This is usually not an event worth blogging about but this movie
The Amazon Basin with its 7.6 Mio km² is almost the size of Europe, and its biggest river, the Rio Amazon, supplies more than 15% of the total freshwater input to the world’s oceans
Perspectives invites its authors to share their personal experience in view of their contributions to geochemistry. My experiences in geochemistry have provided me with many moments that were fun
Curiosity rover (Mars Science Laboratory, NASA) has successfully landed on Gale crater, Mars, on Monday August 6, 5:31 TU (Sunday August 5, 22:31 PDT)
Having hurriedly wrapped up my poster and put my current projects on hold, I arrived in Montréal, Canada, a couple of days before the official start of the conference with the firm idea of enjoying
The 2012 Goldschmidt conference took place between the 24th and 29th June in Montréal, Quebec. Conferences are interesting beasts for all involved. For the new PhD students, this may be the first time
We were hungry for knowledge and thirsty for cider, so to Oviedo we went! We then promptly hopped on a bus and headed to the Technology Development Center for CO2 capture just outside of Ponferrada
Undoubtedly the most exciting exoplanet news of the past week is the discovery of a star system with a total of 9 potential planets
Welcome to the European Association of Geochemistry blog. During the last months the EAG has been working on the creation of this blog with the purpose of sharing our impressions and perspectives
Man, this guy was good looking - tall, broad shouldered, soft eyed, tousled hair, cute little dimples, … and then… “Oh wow - that is amazing!”
For 10 days the São Paulo Advanced School of Astrobiology (SPASA) brought together renowned researchers, students and early career post-docs of different countries to exchange experience