Archive for "Goldschmidt 2019"

Goldschmidt 2019
Eleanor Berryman

Bethany Ehlmann: Water and Climate Change on the Martian Surface

In today’s plenary lecture titled 'Mars: Geology and Geochemical Cycling on a Once Habitable Planet', Professor Bethany Ehlmann captures our imaginations by taking us on a whirlwind journey back

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Goldschmidt 2019
Josh Wood

Sunday: The Icebreaker

Sunday was set up day in the Goldschmidt exhibition hall—a life-sized game of tetris with shifting tables, pop-up banners, and large equipment. Exhibitors and conference organizers scrambled

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Goldschmidt 2019
Alice Williams

Q&A with the Goldschmidt Non-academic Careers Forum Panellists: Anne Trinquier and Katja Amstätter

As an introduction to the upcoming events for early career scientists at Goldschmidt2019 in Barcelona in August, last month on the EAG blogosphere we talked to Goldschmidt panellist Lewis Collins

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Goldschmidt 2019
Invited contribution

Q&A with the Goldschmidt Non-academic Careers Forum Panellists: Lewis Collins

In a new initiative for Goldschmidt2019 (18-23 August 2019 - Barcelona, Spain) a series of lunchtime discussion forums will be held to give students and post-docs the opportunity to find out more

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