Archive for "New worlds, New perspectives"

New worlds, New perspectives
Adrienne Macartney

How exploring Mars could help us fight climate change on Earth

The surface of Mars is a cold desert. Scars in the landscape point to a history of flowing rivers, standing lakes and possibly even planetary oceans. Yet the current Martian atmosphere has a density

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New worlds, New perspectives
Andrew Rushby

The Atmospheric Mirror

When viewed from space, the Earth glows like a blue marble under the light of the distant Sun. Azure oceans lap against the jagged coastlines and pale clouds swirl gracefully across its face

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New worlds, New perspectives
Andrew Rushby

Men and Machines

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere - Carl Sagan (Cosmos, 1980)

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New worlds, New perspectives
Andrew Rushby

We, the pioneers.

As Voyager 1 cradles the edge of our Solar System, poised to enter the vacuous expanse of deep space, we are approaching a milestone that many on this planet are not aware of

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New worlds, New perspectives
Andrew Rushby

Life and the seas of Europa

Jupiter’s icy moon Europa has been of interest to astronomers for hundreds of years, and to planetary scientists since it was first imaged by the Pioneer spacecraft in the 1970s

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