Archive for "On the Rocks"

Focal point

Autodidacticism, hobbies and your professional future

My students often ask me how I learnt to make nice images and graphs for papers, cool diagrams, videos or programs. "What software do you use?" — is the typical question. So here goes some facts about

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Focal point
Johnny White

Five important things to learn from the miniseries “Chernobyl”

If you have not watched the miniseries Chernobyl (HBO), what are you waiting for? It explains what happened when the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant became the worst man-made catastrophe in 1986

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On the Rocks
Invited contribution

Working in Mineral Exploration: a guide

In the final throws of an undergraduate degree there are commonly two concerns: firstly, the cramming of knowledge to ensure the exam results guarantee the best overall grade and secondly lining up

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On the Rocks
Invited contribution

Core logging course – Navan, Tara Mine Corestore

Recently I have had the chance to attend a core logging course organised by IAEG (Irish Association for Economic Geology) and hosted by Boliden, Tara Mines. The course was dense and helpful and most

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Goldschmidt 2017
Foteini Drakou

Fishing for Hg and harvesting Pb – Consequences of human activity

It is my first time attending the Goldschmidt conference and I am impressed by the variety of topics that can be accommodated under the umbrella of Geochemistry. From the Origin of Solar System

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Goldschmidt 2017
Foteini Drakou

Conscripting plants and the microbial community for mineral exploration

Geologists have a great deal of geochemical tools for exploration of new mineral deposits. But, as most of the unexploited treasure is hiding at great depth, geologists have to invent and employ

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Goldschmidt 2017
Clare Stead

Love Triangles and Spies – Geochemistry in 3 minutes

Goldschmidt 2017 sees the introduction of the pop-up talks; an exciting new initiative organised by three early-career scientists (Steffi Lutz, Kimberley Bitterwolf, and Alex Holland). Eleven students

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Goldschmidt 2017
Tadhg Dornan

How the Roman Empire can be linked to geochemistry

Throughout our geological education, we are taught to think in terms of deep time. To forget about weeks and months and focus on the millions and billions. However, when the time span of human history

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Goldschmidt 2017
Tadhg Dornan

Any questions for the speaker?

Over the past few days, we have all heard our fair share of audience questions. As most of you may know, the main purpose of these questions is to enhance the audience's understanding of the presented

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On the Rocks

Science at Sea

Being on a ship for two months has its ups and downs. But when you’re drilling and recovering sediments that haven’t seen daylight for millions of years, you can bet both the ups and the downs are

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On the Rocks

Concrete: An Aggregate of Problems

Have you ever thought about what your house is actually made of? Before starting my Ph.D. I had never taken this question into consideration. However, for thousands of home owners across Ireland, the

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