Early Career Scientists at Goldschmidt2017
Early Career Scientists are at the heart of the Goldschmidt conference, and various programs aimed at young professionals in geochemistry have been developing in recent years. Goldschmidt2017 will continue this trend by introducing several new initiatives as well as retaining successful ones from previous years. Here is an overview of what’s on offer for Early Career Scientists this year. You can find additional details for each event at goldschmidt.info/2017/studentMainPage. Note that the deadline to register for most events is 13 June.
Pre-conference workshops
17 pre-conference workshops on a wide variety of topics have been proposed for Goldschmidt2017!
As presenting (perhaps for the first time) at an international conference can be a daunting prospect, a special one-day oral presentation skills workshop has again been organised for students giving talks at Goldschmidt2017. Held at the start of the conference (Sunday 13 June), the workshop will give students the opportunity to practise and polish their presentations in small groups led by young scientists experienced in giving oral presentations, and specific help and guidance will be provided for students whose first language is not English.
Lunch time early career scientists workshops
Two 60-minute workshops especially targeted at early career scientists will take place each day from Monday to Friday, 13:00-14:00. These will cover a variety of subjects, such as communicating science, careers in academia and outside of academia, managing work-life balance, publications, funding, teaching, sexual harassment or implicit bias. See the full program.
Meet the Plenary
First started two years ago, the ‘Meet the Plenary‘ initiative allows early career scientists to share lunch with the plenary speaker of the day, in a cosy setting limited to a small group. This event is truly unique to the conference and feedback has been very positive so we strongly encourage you to attend. Here is what some of the previous attendees have said:
“This event was actually one of the single most useful and memorable parts of the conference. It gave me the opportunity to get extremely valuable professional information from someone at the top of my subdiscipline.”
“It was a great way to meet other students in the same field, as well as one of the leading researchers. It was great to hear some career/phd advice from someone who wasn’t my supervisor and who has a different style.”
“The discussion with the plenary speaker was a great pleasure and very fruitful. I think it is a wonderful initiative.”
See the list of plenary speakers at Goldschmidt2017.
Pop up Talks
NEW! If you feel passionate about your research and want to tell everyone about it, then sign up for this new and exciting event, organised entirely by early career scientists. The idea of Pop up Talks is to give a 5-minute presentation in the style of a TED talk – that is, getting across a well-formulated idea in an engaging way. Don’t limit yourself to Powerpoint slides, be creative! Non-standard presentations (e.g., a single image, video, music, poetry, anything you want!), are especially encouraged, and can be done individually or in a team.
Mentor Program
The Mentor Program is especially designed for new attendees: mentees are matched one-on-one with an experienced scientist to help them navigate the complexities of a large, international conference. Over the past year, this popular program has helped hundreds of students! Note the deadline to apply is 13 June.
Goldschmidt Rocks – The 2017 Party (Monday 14 August)
Eat, drink, dance and enjoy live music supplied by our very own house band “Double Scotch”! It’s all happening at the Meridien Hotel, a two-minute walk from the congress centre. Celebrate the end of the first day of talks and posters by joining ‘Goldschmidt Rocks – The 2017 Party‘. Student tickets are available at €20.
There are also several other social events of great interest at very affordable rates such as the discovery of the Marie Curie’s Latin Quarter (€11). And of course, don’t miss the traditional Icebreaker Party (Sunday 13 August, 17:00-19:00).
Note that the Goldschmidt2017 Early Career Scientists Program also includes an expanded grant program and the traditional Student Helpers (applications closed).