Goldschmidt rocks 2023 – When the lights go down, geochemists turn into dancers!

Goldschmidt2023 is not only about science. Double Scotch’ concert on Tuesday evening proved that in more ways than one.


After a short trip from the Conference Center, the geochemists arrived at the Ninkasi Gerland brewery. Once they got used to their new environment and the drinks and snacks were put on the table, the fun could begin. The band members were full of energy, which quickly led to positive vibes among the attendees. The band’s cover rock songs made the audience sing and dance all night long. The nice thing about such a diverse group of people dancing is that there is a large variety in dance moves. I’ve seen Heel Pulls, Apple Jacks, Sprinklers, and Thunder Claps. With certain songs (like Paint It Black) even little mosh pits erupted!


The biggest surprise of the evening came almost at the end when Goldschmidt’s co-convener, Catherine Jeandel, came to the stage. Everyone went silent as, at first, it seemed as if she was going to give a speech. But speeching was not on Catherine’s mind. Instead, the guitarist started playing and Catherine started singing “Bella Ciao”! Soon everyone was singing along with Catherine and the band and the party continued.


Sadly the evening had to end at 23:00, but Double Scotch showed that geochemists can definitely rock!