Goldschmidt2017: Meet the bloggers (2/2)
In Part 1 of ‘Meet the Bloggers’, we caught up with four of the Goldschmidt2017 blogging team, who’ll be bringing us all the latest from Paris throughout the next week. Next up, we have a few words of introduction from our other three bloggers: Foteini, Martin and Claire.
Foteini Drakou
Hi! I’m Foteini, a PhD student at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Originally from Greece, I completed my BSc in geology at the University of Athens before joining Trinity College Dublin and the Raw Material Spoke of iCRAG.
The focus of my research concerns the distribution and recovery of precious and critical metals in Zn-Pb deposits. Precious and energy critical metals occur as trace constituents in a wide range of base metal sulphide deposits, and they are commonly extracted as by-products of the principle mined metals (e.g. Zn, Pb, Cu). Being the first stage of ore processing, the comminution (size reduction) circuit has a major impact on the efficiency of the downstream processing and the metal recovery. Based on case studies of different Zn-Pb deposits, my research focuses on establishing tailor –adjustment for the ore comminution, in order to produce physically liberated minerals and improve the efficiency of the ore processing.
In the conference, I’ll attend sessions related to mineral resources, novel microanalytical techniques and environmental geochemistry.
It’s my first-ever Goldschmidt and I’m so excited to share my experience with you. Stay tuned! À bientôt.
Martin Mangler
Hi everyone, I am a final-year PhD student at the Natural History Museum and Imperial College London. I am working on Popocatépetl – a volcano in Mexico that is not only interesting because of its mystical, unpronounceable name, but mostly because of its vigorous activity, frequently exposing up to 20 million people to ashfall, and potentially worse things. I am interested in the transition between effusive (i.e., most likely manageable) and explosive (i.e., potentially catastrophic) eruptions at Popo: Which factors drive the system to a large-scale explosive eruption? And, crucially, how fast does it happen? To understand these dynamics, key mechanisms and pre-eruptive timescales, I synthesise detailed crystal-scale and whole-rock isotope geochemical data, combined with high-resolution imaging techniques, for explosive and effusive rocks of the last 14,000 years.
I will be presenting some of my results on Wednesday morning, 9.15, in session 06i – come along and join in a ride into the magma reservoir of the most dangerous volcano in Mexico!
At Goldschmidt, I am keen on mingling into all magmatic and volcanic sessions – you can expect some intense coverage of sessions 05 and 06 from me, and I am also hoping to broaden my horizon with some climate- and archeology-related sessions. It is actually my first Goldschmidt, so I am really excited and looking forward to a week of great science and meeting fellow researchers! I will be blogging here, but you can also follow me on twitter @mangler_m.
Claire Cousins
I am a Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Fellow in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of St. Andrews. I am interested in volcanic geothermal systems and how volcanism (including cryovolcanism) drives and preserves microbial life within our Solar System. I also work on developing imaging and spectroscopy systems for Mars surface exploration, particularly with the aim to detect geological evidence of past habitability. This year at Goldschmidt I will be found in the geobiology sessions, checking out Goldschmidt Wild Orbit Cinema 2017, and will be tweeting as @ClaireCousins10. Excited to catch up with everyone!
So, that’s all from us for now. We’re itching to get started, so be sure to keep on eye on the EAG Blog in the coming days!
Wishing you all a safe journey and see you in Paris!
The Goldschmidt 2017 Blogging Team.
About the authors
The Goldschmidt 2017 Blogging Team: Clare Stead, Claire Cousins, Tadhg Dornan, Sami Mikhail, Foteini Drakou, Martin Mangler and Deirdre Clark.