The (Geo)chemistry Christmas Chart
During my childhood a massive part of the pre-Christmas hype was about who would make it to the coveted number 1 spot in the UK charts. I remember waiting in anticipation to see whether Cliff Richard would strike again, or whether the likes of Mr Blobby or East 17 would beat him to it. I have to confess that my interest in the singles chart has waned a bit since then, both due to the dominance of the X-factor releases and a general improvement in my music tastes (a fact that’s not open to debate, contrary to what my colleagues may say in the lab…). Nonetheless, as debate starts up again over who will be this years #1 (apparently Lilly Allen, the X-Factor winner and AC/DC are all in the running), I got to wondering what would be voted the all-time greatest geochemistry-related song.
A quick trawl through my iTunes library revealed a surprising number of bands, albums and songs that contain scientific references (admittedly not that many deal with geology or geochemistry, but we can’t have everything), and a few other classics were quickly found in YouTube. I’ve listed my top 10 in reverse order (according to their scientific relevance), and I encourage you to add any that I may have overlooked. Geeky I know, but also fun & strangely addictive once you get thinking about it!
No. 10: Nirvana – Lithium
Great band and a great song. The title is about as chemical as it gets though.
No. 9: Coldplay – The Scientist
Another song that’s made it in on its title alone.
No. 8: Kings of Leon – Radioactive
My final slightly more quirky title-based entry.
No. 7: Chemical Brothers – Chemical Beats
No top 10 of science-related tunes would be complete without something by the chemical brothers and this is about as chemical as they come.
No. 6: LemonJelly – Experiment Number Six
Admittedly more of a biological/medical song, but you hope that your students paid as much attention during their experiments.
No. 5: Beastie Boys – The Sounds of Science
In my opinion anyone who raps about Isaac Newton deserves to be in the top 5, and with both a song and album entitled ‘The Sounds of Science’, the Beastie Boys have certainly earnt their place.
No. 4: Muse – The 2nd Law: Unsustainable
The most recent release to make it into my list, and the only song that deals with the laws of thermodynamics. Great music, great video and entropy – what more could you ask for?
No. 3: Jurassic 5 – Lesson 6: The Lecture
‘For many of our students, this is the lesson you’ve been waiting for’ – Any song that starts off with the chemical definition of a compound, mixture and solution quite simply has to make it into the top three.
No. 2: Blackalicous – Chemical Calisthenics
Almost unrivalled for both its scientific content and vocal delivery. Rap may not be everyones cup of tea, but in this case you should definitely make an exception. For those struggling to catch each word you should check out the brilliant lyrics: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/blackalicious/chemicalcalisthentics.html
No. 1: Tom Lehrer – The Element Song
The all time classic and a song that even Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) knows off by heart! (see him recite it on the Graham Norton show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1TfPDlA1xE). Quite simply a must see for you, your students, and anyone else you may know with a vague interest in the periodic table.