The Goldschmidt Volunteers
The Goldschmidt volunteers are the first line of defence for any issues which may arise during the conference. From organizing registration to tech support, there are many different tasks involved in being a volunteer. As a veteran of six years who enjoyed the experience, I would like to share some of the perks and tasks involved in being a Goldschmidt volunteer.
Perks as a Goldschmidt volunteer
1) Registration is free!
The registration fee is free for all students who volunteer for the Goldschmidt conference.
2) Honorarium
The student volunteers usually receive approximately 60 euros (or dollars) per day and an additional 30 euros (or dollars) for each evening event.
3) Make new friends
You get to work with a diverse group of amazing young scientists, which may become your future colleagues and friends!
4) See the conference from another angle
Navigating Goldschmidt as a student can be challenging. The volunteering opportunity can help ease you in. Student volunteers will obtain proper training in registration, audiovisual systems, and poster organization, to navigating miscellaneous tasks.
5) Unique volunteering experience
The main tasks
1) Training for the conference
There is a training session that takes place before the conference. The on-site staff and the Goldschmidt organizers will not only provide training in audiovisual systems but will also give a detailed tour of the conference facilities.
2) Registration desk
There are many tasks involved in running the conference registration desk. One of the tasks involves organizing and alphabetizing the registration forms. Other tasks involve making sure the program volumes and the travel cards are available for the conference attendees. Once the registration desk is ready, the volunteers will make sure all of the conference attendees obtain their registration forms, lanyards, event tickets, program volumes, and travel cards.
3) Organizing and numbering poster boards
Some of the volunteers manually number the poster boards, and to make sure that it matches the pre-organized arrangement.
4) Room support
The room support teams are required to make sure that sessions run smoothly. This role involves organizing the presentations before the session starts, and to also assist with any technical problems.
5) Runners
The runners support the room support team. If a volunteer needs a break or technical support, the runners will come to their aid.
Schedule, organize and communicate
Volunteering for Goldschmidt is fantastic as long as you are organized. The volunteers are provided with a volunteering schedule (aka. helper duties). If you have a schedule conflict, you can always contact the conference organizers prior to the conference. This way, you can attend the session of your interest and volunteer at the same time!
Give us a shout!
So there you have it! If you need any assistance at this year’s Goldschmidt conference, please do not hesitate to ask us! If you would like to join the volunteering program, you can always apply online before the closing of the next abstract submission.
Have a lovely conference!