Goldschmidt 2013
Emma Versteegh

The early bird catches the worm

For many of us being an early bird becomes progressively more difficult as conference fatigue takes its toll. I was glad to see a sizeable crowd managed to be there for the start of our session on the

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Goldschmidt 2013
Matt Herod

Goldschmidt 2013 – Day 2 – Carbon, Uranium, Litigation and London

Day 2 of Goldschmidt 2013 is done and what a great day it was. Hectic, but conferences always are. There is just so much to see and do, so many people to talk to and so many people to meet for the

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Goldschmidt 2013
Andy Bray

Second day considerations

After 2 days of talks I have just about got into conference mode. What does that mean? Well, before now I have found it very difficult to ‘switch on’ and pay attention within the first 15 seconds

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Goldschmidt 2013
Elizabeth Swanner

Eat like a Florentine

There is no lack of science occurring during official sessions this week at the Fortezza da Bosso, but much of what we get from being at a conference is the opportunity to connect informally to other

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Goldschmidt 2013
Emma Versteegh

Things I learned today

Four different geochemical societies were incapable of finding a single woman to award any of their ten prestigious medals to

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Goldschmidt 2013
Matt Herod

Goldschmidt2013 – Day 1 (Monday)

Wow! I have finally arrived at Goldschmidt 2013 and it is so, so great to be here! Day 1 was already a whirlwind. Unfortunately, I missed the icebreaker last night and arrived a bit late this morning

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Goldschmidt 2013
Emma Versteegh

Palaeo-proxies and trophic positions

I like it when people show how a proxy works, or how it doesn't. Today at Goldschmidt I enjoyed several presentations doing exactly that. The day started with Johanna Noireaux showing that boron

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Goldschmidt 2013
Invited contribution

Views from, and of, Florence

The Florence skyline is dominated by the dome and bell-tower of the Duomo, or Santa Maria del Fiore, the large cathedral in the centre of the city

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Goldschmidt 2013
Invited contribution

Music of the spheres

I am sitting in a hot lecture theatre in the Università deli Studi, Florence, two days before the start of the proper business of Goldschmidt 2013

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Goldschmidt 2013
Andy Bray

Tour of Florence

Welcome to Florence Goldschmidters! This is my first visit to this beautiful city and as Simon has been at a workshop on the chemical interactions in geothermal fluids

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Goldschmidt 2013
Andy Bray

Introducing the Bloggers of Goldschmidt 2013

It isn't long until the start of the annual V.M. Goldschmidt conference, the main international meeting for geochemists to share and discuss ideas

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New worlds, New perspectives
Andrew Rushby

The Atmospheric Mirror

When viewed from space, the Earth glows like a blue marble under the light of the distant Sun. Azure oceans lap against the jagged coastlines and pale clouds swirl gracefully across its face

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