Goldschmidt 2023
Thaïs Couasnon

Non-academic careers

During today's non-academic careers hybrid workshop, Anne Trinquier (IFREMER, Université Brest) and Patrick Ledru (ORANO Canada, Université de Lorraine) shared their own experience out of academia.

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Goldschmidt 2023
Thaïs Couasnon

Introducing the Goldschmidt2023 Bloggers

Lyon’s Congress Center is about to host the 33rd Goldschmidt conference.

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Francisco Hevia-Cruz presenting part of his doctoral research at the EGU General Assembly 2023 in Vienna.
Invited contribution

EAG Sponsored Student Francisco Hevia-Cruz reports back from the EGU General Assembly 2023

I was very surprised, mind-blown, by the scale of the 2023 EGU General Assembly, there were so many researchers, posters, and presentations, that it was very hard to decide ......

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IODP core repository - Katrin Wagner - radiolaria sample
Invited contribution

Shipboard Science but with less shaky legs – The ECORD Training Course 2023

EAG sponsored student Katrin Wagner reports back on her experience of the 2023 ECORD training course in preparation for shipboard science.

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The Potsdam Cameca 1280-HR SIMS facility
Invited contribution

A scientific party of SIMS experts and enthusiasts at the GFZ Helmholtz Centre, Potsdam

As a young analytical geochemist, I am always fascinated and interested in learning the basics, applications and technical know-how of different instruments and method. Here I describe my experiences as an EAG sponsored student on a SIMS short course

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Participants of the recently concluded IAL- IPA conference during a group photo with a breathtaking view of the Andes and Nahuel Huapi Lake in the background. Photo credit: ILA-IPA local organizing committee.
Invited contribution

Lakes as Memories of the Landscape: EAG Early Career Ambassadors report back

EAG Early Career Ambassadors Allix Baxter (Utrecht University) and Ronald Lloren (ETH Zürich - EAWAG) report back from the joint IAL-IPA Limnology meeting held in Bariloche, Argentina, in November 2022...

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Invited contribution

EAG Sponsored Student Rosie Lewis presents her Volcanological Research with a bang!

With the generous support of the EAG I was able to attend the annual meeting of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG). Following the conference, I led an outreach exhibition at the NHM...

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Invited contribution

The EAG Forum as a Vehicle for Community Change and Improved Equity

As an international community and as an association, we have recently begun talking more openly about how to combat inequities in our discipline...

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Invited contribution

Quick tips: Using the EAG members forum

Accessing the EAG Forum is easy – first, log into the EAG membership platform from the EAG website, or directly at this link...

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Invited contribution

Q & A with EAG Past-President Derek Vance

Derek Vance started his term as President of the European Association of Geochemistry in January 2021. As his two years in the role ends, we asked him to reflect on the experience and to offer some...

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Invited contribution

Discovering the world one molecule at a time: 42 scientists on a metabolomics adventure

Ok, so if you have never dealt with metabolomics before, a Metabolomics Bioinformatics Course may sound very dry and kind of cryptic. Let me tell you why it was one of the most exciting weeks...

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Figure 1. Scientists from around the world joined the Gabon and Oxygenation of Earth - Drilling Early Earth Project (GOE-DEEP) workshop to discuss the potential of continental drilling in Gabon to address the timing and the degree of the Great Oxidation Event.

Rock Archive

GOE-DEEP: An International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) proposal to probe Earth’s Great Oxidation

This past November, over 45 scientists and industry members from 13 nationalities gathered at the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) in Trondheim to participate in the ICDP GOE-DEEP workshop.

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